How to engage genz's in the workplace

July 22, 2024

Addy Bhatia

Understanding Gen Z's Values and Expectations

Mental health benefits in the workplace are crucial for Gen Z employees. With 98% experiencing burnout and over half of workplace absences being stress-related, there's a significant need for accessible mental health resources. Traditional Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are underutilized, covering only a few sessions annually, and often falling short of providing the personalized support Gen Z seeks. Small businesses can bridge this gap by running surveys to understand employee needs and examining competitors' offerings. While cost is a common barrier to enhanced EAP packages, integrating tools like Suno, which offer individualized counseling through platforms like Slack or Teams, can be an effective solution. These changes can create a more engaging workplace, where employees feel supported and are more productive because they can bring their best selves to work.

Opportunities for collaboration are vital in counteracting the loneliness Gen Z often feels. This generation values flexibility and dislikes being micromanaged, so mandating in-person work isn't the answer. Instead, offering optional remote workdays, coupled with quarterly in-person meetings or retreats, can foster meaningful relationships. Quality connections are rarely formed over video calls and Slack, so these in-person gatherings are essential. Leadership involvement is key; when C-suite employees advocate for and participate in these in-person events, it reinforces a sense of team unity rather than isolated working pods. Investing in bringing employees together and supporting remote workers ensures no one feels left out, ultimately creating a cohesive and engaged workforce.

Creating a Collaborative Work Environment

When it comes to fostering collaboration, specific tools and technologies can significantly enhance the engagement of Gen Z employees in small businesses. Utilizing digital communication platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams can streamline conversations and make collaboration more seamless. These platforms allow for real-time messaging, file sharing, and integration with other productivity tools, which can keep everyone connected and informed.

Another effective approach is leveraging project management tools such as Trello or Asana. These tools help organize tasks, set deadlines, and track progress, making it easier for team members to stay on top of their responsibilities. They also support transparency, which is crucial for Gen Z, who value clarity and openness in their work environment.

Additionally, incorporating video conferencing tools like Zoom or Google Meet can bridge the gap between remote and in-office workers. Regular video meetings can foster a sense of community and ensure that everyone feels included, regardless of their physical location.

Lastly, offering training and development through platforms like LinkedIn Learning or Coursera can be highly motivating for Gen Z employees. Access to continuous learning opportunities shows that the company invests in their growth and development, which can enhance their engagement and loyalty.

Incorporating these tools and technologies can create a dynamic and collaborative work environment that resonates with Gen Z employees, boosting their engagement and productivity.

Leveraging Technology for Better Engagement

Using remote tools like Gather Town can help bring remote workers closer together. This platform simulates a physical office environment, allowing employees to interact in a more natural and engaging way. It's particularly beneficial for Gen Z, who value connection and collaboration but might prefer the flexibility of remote work. Gather Town can make virtual interactions feel more personal and spontaneous, similar to how they would be in a physical office.

Suno offers personalized counseling, providing a safe space for employees to address personal and professional concerns, such as managing stress and anxiety that can impact their well-being and overall job performance.. This technology allows businesses to support their employees' mental health without diverting significant resources. For Gen Z, who prioritize mental health and well-being, having access to such a resource can make a significant difference in their overall job satisfaction and productivity.

Hosting remote gaming sessions after lunch can be a great way to boost team morale and re-energize employees. These sessions can provide a fun and informal way for team members to bond and relax. Gen Z employees, who often appreciate a balance between work and play, are likely to find this approach refreshing and motivating. Incorporating gaming into the workday can help maintain high energy levels and foster a sense of community within the team.

Providing Continuous Learning Opportunities

Offering Coursera credits can significantly enhance Gen Z engagement in the workplace. Since the average job retention is now under two years, investing in employees' self-improvement is crucial. Coursera credits allow them to upskill, which they will appreciate. Additionally, incorporating more side projects within the organization is essential. Giving them opportunities to use their diverse skills not only benefits the organization but also makes them feel needed and connected. Many Gen Zs today feel detached and underutilized in their roles. By offering continuous learning and meaningful projects, you can foster a more motivated and loyal workforce.

Addy Bhatia

Senior engineer with 5+ years expereince who was tired of the disjointed mental healthcare system and started Suno in 2023. Since then he's partnered with two clinical advisors to build a strong foundation for Suno's AI and bring accessible mental health support to every pocket.

Senior engineer with 5+ years expereince who was tired of the disjointed mental healthcare system and started Suno in 2023. Since then he's partnered with two clinical advisors to build a strong foundation for Suno's AI and bring accessible mental health support to every pocket.